DeFi and Environmental Sustainability: Promoting Green Finance - Daily info 7

DeFi and Environmental Sustainability: Promoting Green Finance

Let me provide you with a concise summary of an article related to the intersection of decentralized finance (DeFi) and environmental sustainability:


**Title:** “Green finance and environmental sustainability: a systematic review and future research avenues” ¹



This study critically examines the dynamic interplay between green finance and environmental sustainability using a systematic review and bibliometric analysis.


Researchers analyzed 507 scholarly articles published between 2013 and 2023 in the Scopus database. Notably, research on green finance and environmental sustainability has surged over the past decade, with China and institutions in Asia emerging as prominent contributors. The Environmental Science and Pollution Research journal is a key source title in this field. Several research avenues are proposed for future exploration, including broadening the geographical scope, exploring synergies with emerging fintech innovations, developing robust metrics, establishing risk frameworks, and creating a Green Finance Performance Index.


Feel free to explore the full article for more detailed insights!